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Ineffective Individual Coping - NCP Anxiety Neurosis

Ineffective Individual Coping

Possible causes:

  • Situational crisis or a maturasional crisis.
  • History of family conflict and inadequate support systems.
  • Severe internal stress of many life changes.
  • Hereditary susceptibility.
  • History of mitral valve prolapse or thyrotoxicosis.

Defining characteristics:

  • Physical symptoms experienced during the attacks.
  • Avoidance behavior.
  • Unable to solve problems.
  • Use of psychoactive substances to socialize or to tolerate the fear of panic attacks.
  • Stated verbally great fear will be another attack.

Long-term goals:
The client demonstrates the ability to overcome panic by reducing behavior caused by a state of panic.

Short term goals 1
The client tells the story of life stressors, especially those related to panic attacks in the past.

Intervention and Rationale
1. Encourage the client to verbalize feelings are so strong, uncomfortable, especially anxiety, guilt and frustration.
Rational :
Pain that is not recognized is the stressor, revealing uncomfortable feeling to help relieve stress.

2. Help the client to identify internal stressors that generally occurs before the attack.
Rational :
Before the client can gain control of the attacks, the stressors associated with panic should be identified.

3. Discuss and analysis panic situation with the client, focusing on an external stimulus that stimulates the attack.
Rational :
Analysis of external stimuli that accompany panic help the clients to anticipate and ultimately control the attack.

4. Discuss the coping mechanisms, such as the physical movement and breathing exercises in a slow and how it can be panic mekansme.
Rational :
The client needs to know the other coping methods that can be used to overcome the anxiety that can not be tolerated due to a panic attack.

Short-term goal 2
The client showed behaviors that help control the state of panic.

Intervention and Rationale

1. Teach the client strategies to cope with internal stressors, such as fear or feeling uncertain.
Rational :
Having knowledge about alternative ways to handle stress will increase control behavior.

2. Teach the client on how to move from a state of internal to external circumstances to distract a client of itself.
Rational :
These skills enable clients to let go of anxiety through the focus out.

3. Discuss the relationship between anxiety with a physiological response that is typical in show the panic attack
Rational :
This action facilitates the client's thrust into the relationship between anxiety and physical symptoms due to panic attacks.

4. Assist the client to modify the spontaneous thought that enyertai when the physical symptoms of anxiety began to arise.
Rational :
The client needs to know that the physiological symptoms of anxiety followed by spontaneous thoughts that interfere with judgments about what is happening.

5. Encourage the client form support systems and seek help when signs and symptoms of anxiety appear.
Rational :
Develop and use of support systems increase personal responsibility and personal testimonies about the needs for assistance in times of stress.

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