Hallucinations refer to sensory experiences that occur in the absence of external stimuli. They can affect any of the five senses: sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell. Hallucinations are perceptions that feel real to the person experiencing them but do not correspond to actual external events or stimuli. They can occur in various medical and psychiatric conditions and may be associated with neurological disorders, mental illnesses, substance abuse, or sleep disorders.
Types of Hallucinations According to Stuart 2007
According to Stuart, 2007, types of hallucinations include:
1. Auditory hallucinations (auditory) 70%
Characterized by hearing voices, especially the voices of people, usually the client heard the voice of the person who is talking about what he was thinking and ordered to do something.
2. Visual hallucinations (visual) 20%
Characteristics with the visual stimulus in the form of a beam of light, geometric illustration, cartoons and / or vision broad and complex. Eyesight can be fun or scary.
3. Smell hallucinations (olfactory)
Characterized by a foul odor, fishy and nasty odors such as blood, urine or feces. Sometimes smell fragrant. Usually associated with stroke, tumor, seizures and dementia.
4. Tactile Hallucination (tactile)
Characterized by pain or discomfort without the stimulus visible. Example: feel the sensation of electricity coming from the ground, inanimate objects or others.
5. Gustatory hallucinations (gustatory)
Characterized by sensing something foul, fishy and disgusting, was tasting a flavor like the taste of blood, urine or feces.
6. Sinesthetic hallucinations
Characterized by sensing the characteristics of body functions such as blood flowing through the veins or arteries, food is digested or urine formation.
7. Kinesthetic hallucinations
Sensing movement while standing without moving.