There are 5 types of Nursing Diagnosis Guidelines of Nanda Nursing Diagnosis : The actual Nursing Diagnosis, Risks, Chances, and Syndromes, Welness
1. The actual Nursing Diagnosis:
Explain the real problems currently in accordance with clinical data found Terms: enforce the actual nursing diagnosis there must be elements of PES. Symptom (S) must meet the criteria of major (80%-100%) and most of the minor criteria guidelines diagnosis NANDA.
For example: there is data; vomiting, diarrhea, turgor was ugly for 3 days Nursing diagnosis: fluid volume Deficit related to loss of electrolyte and fluid is abnormal If the problem is getting ugly and disturbing health “perineal” tsb clients will occur, the risk of skin damage and referred to as “risk” diagnosis.
2. Nursing Diagnosis of risk
Explain the real health problems will occur if the intervention is not done. Conditions: Any element of PE Nursing diagnosis: impaired skin integrity Risks associated with continuous diarrhea If the nurses suspect a disorder, but lacking sufficient supporting data to ensure the problem, then it can be listed as a “probable diagnosis”
3. Nursing Diagnosis Possibilities
Explain that the need for additional data to ensure nursing issues Problems and factors of support does not yet exist but already there are factors that can cause problems. Conditions: the existence of elements of response (the problem) and the factors that may be causing problems but there has been no Nursing diagnosis: possible disturbance of self concept: low self-esteem/isolated-related diarrhea Nurses required for critical thinking and gather additional data associated with the concept of self
4. Nursing Diagnosis Wellness
Clinical decision about an individual, family or community, and in particular the prosperous levels of transition to higher levels of prosperity
There are 2 key must exist:
Something fun, on a higher level of well-being
The status and function of effective
Nursing diagnosis: “Potential for increased … …”
Nursing diagnosis for this category does not contain the element “related factors”
example: Potential an increase in family relationships
Having breakfast together for 5 days
Involving children in decision making
Maintain confidentiality of family members
5. Nursing Diagnosis Syndrome
Diagnosis of the not actual nursing diagnosis group dr and the estimated risks will arise/arose because an incident/situation specific. Benefits: To nurse sll wary and require the expertise of nurses within each doing assessment and nursing measures
There are two Nursing Diagnosis syndrome (NANDA)
1. Rape trauma Syndrome (Rape Trauma Syndrome) on the nursing Diagnosis. This shows the existence of a group of signs and symptoms of a group of Nursing Diagnosis. Nursing. Includes: anxious; fear; sad; interruption of rest of sleep; the risk of pain while doing sexual; hub etc.
2. abuse Syndrome (Disuse Syndrome) Nursing diagnosis examples of misuse syndrome risk
The risk for constipation
The risk of respiratory function changes
The risk of infection
The risk of thrombosis
The risk of disruption of activities
The risk of the occurrence of injuries
Damage to physical mobility
The risk of disruption of the process of thought
The risk of impaired self image
The risk of helplessness (powerlessness)
The risk of damage to the integrity of the network
Hopefully what we pass on to formulate Nursing Diagnosis guidelines of nanda nursing diagnosis can be beneficial
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