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Florence Nightingale - MOTHER OF MODERN NURSING

Florence Nightingale - MOTHER OF MODERN NURSING

By: Ezra Viktoria R. Haduca

“Lady with the Lamp”

  • Place: Florence, Italy
  • Birth: May 12, 1820 (International Nurses Day)
  • Her father provided her with reputable education which was uncommon for a Victorian woman.
  • According to Sir Thomas Cook, she was a linguist.
  • She was a wife of an aristocrat.
  • She was a Unitarian Christian and believed she had a religious calling. Death: August 13, 1910

First Nurse Educator
  • Germany: place of the first nursing school
  • Pastor Theodor Fleidner: a protestant pastor who opened a hospital in Kaiserswerth, Germany with no staff thus designed a school of nursing.
  • Nightingale applied with a 12-page handwritten curriculum and became the 134 th nursing student to attend the school.
  • She developed skills in both nursing care and management and used her gained knowledge as a reformer for the well-being of the citizens.

Crimean War English VS. Turkish
  • Hospital barracks were infested with fleas and rats.
  • Sewage flowed under the wards
  • Mortality rate at the hospital was 42.7% of those treated; higher from disease than from war injuries
  • Six months later, mortality rate dropped to 2.2% and was achieved by attending to the environment of the soldiers.
  • Heroine in Great Britain
  • Awarded with Order of Merit by Great Britain

  • Notes on Matters Affecting Health
  • Notes on Hospital
  • Efficiency and Hospital Administration of the British Army
  • Report on Measures Adopted for Sanitary Improvements in India
  • Notes on Nursing

Nightingale’s Environmental Theory

Theory basis : the inter-relationship of a healthful environment with nursing External influences and conditions can prevent, suppress, or contribute to disease or death
Theory goal : Nurses help patients retain their own vitality by meeting their basic needs through control of the environment
Nursing’s Focus : control of the environment for individuals, families and the community

 Nightingale’s Environmental Theory
  • The first published nursing theory (1860)
  • Persons are in connection with the environment
  • Gives emphasis on the healing properties of the physical environment (fresh air, light, warmth and cleanliness)
  • Nursing puts patients in the “best conditions” for nature to act upon them Health is “the positive of which the pathology is the negative”
  • “Nature alone cures”
  • When aspects of the environment are out of balance, the client must use energy to counter these environmental stresses
  • Viewed disease as a reparative process
  • The health of the home/community are critical components in an individual’s health

Environmental Factors Affecting Health

Ventilation and warmth
  • check the patient’s body temperature, room temperature, ventilation and foul odors

  • check room for adequate light (sunlight is beneficial to the patient) 
  • create and implement adequate light in the room without placing the patient in direct sunlight

  • check and keep room from dust, dampness and dirt
Health of houses
  • check surrounding for fresh air, pure water, drainage, cleanliness and light
  • remove garbage and stagnant water

  • check and attempt to keep noise level in minimum

Bed and Bedding
  • keep the bed dry, wrinkle-free and lowest height to ensure comfort
Personal Cleanliness
  • keep the patient dry and clean at all times
  • attempt to accomplish variety in the room

Chattering hopes and advices
  • respect the patient and avoid personal talk

Taking food
  • document the plan of care and evaluate the outcome to ensure continuity of care
Petty Management
  • check the diet of the patient
  • note the amount of food and liquid ingested by the patient in every meal
Observation of the Sick
  • observe the patient’s environment and record anything about the patient

Metaparadigm in Nursing (PERSON)
  • Referred to by Nightingale as “the patient”
  • Recipient of nursing care
  • A human being acted upon by a nurse, or affected by the environment
  • Has reparative powers to deal with disease
  • Recovery is in the patient’s power as long as a safe environment exists

Metaparadigm in Nursing (HEALTH)
  • Holistic level of wellness that the person experiences
  • Maintained by using a person’s healing powers to their fullest extent
  • Maintained by controlling the environmental factors so as to prevent disease Disease is viewed as a reparative process instituted by nature
  • Health and disease are the focus of the nurse
  • Nurses help patients through their healing process

Metaparadigm in Nursing (ENVIRONMENT)
  • The foundational component of Nightingale’s theory
  • The external and internal aspects of life that influence the person
  • Includes everything from a person’s food to a nurse’s verbal and nonverbal interactions with the patient

Metaparadigm in Nursing (NURSING)
  • Nursing is essential for everybody’s well-being
  • It is having the responsibility for someone else’s health.
  • Notes on Nursing : provides women with guidelines for caring for their loved ones at home and gives advice on how to “think like a nurse”
*Trained nurses however, applies additional scientific principles to their work and more skilled in observing their patients.

Acceptance By The Nursing Community

  • Nightingale’s principles of Nursing training provided a universal template for early nurse training school beginning with St. Thomas Hospital
  • Nightingale’s interest in scientific inquiry and statistics continues to define the scientific inquiry used in nursing research.
  • Concepts that Nightingale identified served as the basis of research to test modern theories

  • The environmental aspects of her theory (ventilation, warmth, quiet, diet and cleanliness) remain integral components of nursing care.



Three Major Relationships:
A. Environment to Patient
  • Environment was the main factor creating illness in a patient
B. Nurse to Environment
  • Nurses need to manipulate the environment to enhance the patient’s recovery
C. Nurse To Patient
  • Suggests collaboration and cooperation between the nurse and the patient
The protection of the patient from emotional distress
Conservation of energy while allowing the patient to participate in self-care

  • Nightingale’s theory has been used to provide general guidelines for all nurses
  • The universality and timelessness of her concepts remain pertinent 
  • The relation concepts (nurse, patient and environment) are applicable in all nursing settings today

  • Nightingale’s theory are presented as truths rather than tentative, testable statements
  • She advised nurses that their practice should be based on their observation and experiences rather than systematic, empirical research

  • Deeply religious, she viewed nursing as a means of doing the will of God (Nursing is a divine calling)
  • Her encouragement for a measure of independence and precision guides and motivates nurses today as the profession continues to evolve

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