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Silicosis - Diseases Caused by Dust Particles in Air Pollution

Silicosis is caused by pollution free silica dust, such as SiO2, which is inhaled into the lungs and then settles. Free silica dust is abundant in iron and steel mills, ceramics, concrete casting, metal working workshop (filing, grinding, etc.). Aside from that, there are also many silica dust in the place where the cross section of iron ore, tin and coal mines. The use of coal as a fuel also generate a lot of free silica dust SiO2. At the time burned, silica dust will come out and dispersed into the air together with other particles, such as dust alumina, iron oxide and carbon in the form of ash.

Silicosis - Diseases Caused by Dust Particles in Air Pollution
Silica dust into the lungs will have an incubation period of about 2 to 4 years. The incubation period will be shorter, or symptoms of the disease silicosis will soon appear, if the silica concentration in the air is quite high and inhaled into the lungs in large quantities. Silicosis disease characterized by shortness of breath accompanied by coughing. Cough is often not accompanied by phlegm. In silicosis behavior being, symptoms of shortness of breath accompanied seen on chest X-ray and lung disorders easily observed. When the disease silicosis is heavy it will be more severe shortness of breath and then followed by hypertrophy of the right ventricle that would lead to failure of the heart.

Workplace potential for contaminated with silica dust should get health and safety supervision and strict environmental cause silicosis disease, there is no proper cure. Preventive action is more important and meaningful than the treatment action. Disease silicosis would be worse if the patient had previously been suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchitis, asthma and respiratory diseases broonchiale other.

Supervision and periodic health checks for workers will greatly assist the prevention and control of occupational diseases. Worker health data before entering the work, during work and after work is worth noting for reflection history of workers at any time if necessary.

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