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Some Agents That Can Cause Infection

Some Agents That Can Cause Infection

Infection occurs due to the presence of microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa. Microorganisms in the skin can be a resident or transient flora. Resident organisms proliferate in the superficial skin layers, but 10-20% inhabit the epidermal layer. Transient organisms attached to a person's skin when in contact with people or other objects in the activity or normal life.

The possibility for microorganisms or parasites to cause disease depends on the following factors:

  • Organisms in sufficient quantities.
  • Virulence or the ability to cause pain.
  • The ability to enter and live in the host.
  • Susceptible host.

Some agents that can cause infection, namely:

1. Bacteria

Bacteria can be found as normal flora in the human body healthy. The presence of bacteria here is very important in protecting the body from the arrival of pathogenic bacteria. But in some cases it can cause infection if the man has a low tolerance for miikrooorganisme. Examples Escherechia coli is most often found as a cause of urinary tract infections.

Bacterial pathogens are more dangerous and cause sporadic or endemic infection. Examples: Gram-positive anaerobic Clostridium which causes gangrene.
  • Gram-positive bacteria: Staphylococcus aureus become parasites on the skin and nose can cause disturbances in the lungs, bones, heart and blood vessel infection and is often resistant to antibiotics.
  • Gram-negative bacteria: Enerobacteriacae, for example Escherechia coli, Proteus, Klebsiella, Enterobacter. Pseudomonas is often found in water and water reservoirs that cause infections in the digestive tract of patients treated. Gram-negative bacteria is responsible for about half of all infections in hospitals.
  • Serratia marcescens, can cause serious infection of the wound stitches, lung and peritoneum.

2. Virus

Many possibility of nosocomial infections caused by various viruses, including hepatitis B and C with the media transmission of transfusion, dialysis, injections and endoscopy. Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), rotavirus and enterovirus that is transmitted from hand to mouth contact or through the faecal-oral route. Hepatitis and HIV is transmitted through sharing needles, and blood trasfusi. These same virus transmission to other microorganisms. Gastrointestinal infections, respiratory tract infections, skin diseases, and from blood. Other viruses that often cause nosocomial infection is cytomegalovirus, Ebola, influenza virus, herpes simplex virus, and varicella-zoster virus, can also be transmitted.

3. Parasites and Fungi

Some parasites such as Giardia lamblia can be easily transmitted to adults as well as children anak.Banyak fungi and parasites may arise during the administration of bacterial antibiotic and immunosuppressant drugs, for example, infection of Candida albicans, Aspergiilus spp, Cryptococcus neformans, Cryptosporidium.

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