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Hyperthermia and Knowledge Deficit - NCP for Glomerulonephritis

Nursing Care Plan for Glomerulonephritis

Nursing Diagnosis : Hyperthermia related to the ineffectiveness of thermoregulation secondary to infection
characterized by : fever.

Expected outcomes :
Shows temperature within normal limits .

Interventions and Rational
1. Monitor the patient's temperature notice chills.
R / : Assist in determining the diagnosis.

2. Monitor the temperature of the environment.
R / : Room temperature should be changed to maintain near-normal temperatures.

3. Provide warm water compress.
R / : Can help reduce fever.

4. Collaboration in the provision of antipyretics.
R / : Used to reduce fever.

Nursing Diagnosis : Knowledge Deficit : on the condition, prognosis and treatment needs related to cognitive limitations.
characterized by : questions / requests for information, statements misconception.

Expected outcomes :
Stated understanding of the condition, disease process, prognosis and treatment.
Identifying relationships signs / symptoms of the disease process and symptoms associated with causal factors.
Perform the necessary behavioral changes and participate in treatment programs.

Interventions and Rational

1. Review the prognosis of the disease process and trigger factors, if known.
R / : Provide basic knowledge of where the patient can make an informed choice.

2. Discuss / review of drug use. Encourage the patient to discuss all medications.
R / : Drugs are concentrated / removed by the kidneys can cause permanent damage to the kidneys reaction.

3. Emphasize the need for treatment evaluation, laboratory tests.
R / : Kidney function can be slow to fail acute and deficits may persist, requiring a change in therapy to prevent relapse / complications.

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